It’s Jeannine here with a gentle nudge.
The Intro to the Restorative Powers of Better Sleep workshop is happening this weekend, on Sunday, January 22nd, and this is your last chance to sign up.
Allow me to introduce you to the Five Steps for Better Sleep so you can:
Fall asleep more easily
Wake less frequently during the night
Feel less tired and anxious
Foster a healthier relationship with sleep
Come back to the REAL you.
Come back to the BEST you—happy, energized, focused, productive, caring, and calm.
The restorative and transformative powers of better sleep are within your reach, and this live, online introduction to a powerful 5-step integrative yoga solution makes change possible.
If you want to sleep better so you can feel better, click on the button below NOW to register for the workshop.
If you have questions about how an integrative yoga solution for better sleep can benefit you, feel free to book a complimentary chat to see how I can help.
Isn't it time you put yourself first so you can sleep better and feel better?
With joy and gratitude,