The new year is often a time of deep reflection and introspection. For many of us, it often amplifies processes of self-inquiry, expanding our spiritual awareness, commitment to a yoga practice, and a yogic way of living.
Like a new year’s resolution, an intention typically identifies something we want to attain. But, intention setting focuses less on goals, and more on an aim, a plan, or a journey that leads to whatever it is we want to achieve. It could be a different state of mind, a new way of feeling, a further action, or even another life path.
An intention is usually focused, realistic, positive, and healthy. A typical example could be that you intend to “practice self-care, by eating nourishing and healing foods”.
When asked earlier this week to spontaneously “name my word for 2023” during a Zoom meeting with fellow solopreneurs, the word “intention” bubbled up, and there it was, set before me without thought, without a plan.
Since then, I’ve pondered how I could go about my day, every day, with more intention. One moment I intended to be kinder, and later on, my intended plan was to be ultra-focused. The next moment my intention shifted to awareness of my breathing.
Perhaps YOUR intention for 2023 is to SLEEP BETTER SO YOU CAN FEEL BETTER.
If so, I can help. Continue reading to find out how.
How to Sleep Better (and Then Feel Better All Day Long)—Without Pills, Gadgets or Empty Promises
Stress and anxiety are among the leading causes of insomnia. People have become so discouraged by their sleep disturbances that the mere thought of not being able to sleep fuels the problem further, creating a never-ending vicious cycle.
What if I told you that it’s possible to sleep better without pills, sleep aids, gadgets and empty promises?
My client Lynn was skeptical about whether sleep ‘training’ would work for her. But, after completing Five Steps for Better Sleep—a live online course that I offer a few times a year—she reported being more alert, relaxed and happier. Getting better sleep is what worked.
Another client had this to say about the Five Steps for Better Sleep program:
“I enjoyed finding reasons behind why falling asleep and staying asleep can be difficult, and ways to combat those reasons! I found the sleep sequence extremely helpful!”
She also shared the following:
“My quality of sleep has increased a lot. I have found I am much more active during the day now; I have more energy throughout the day and go to sleep at an earlier time.”
Wouldn't you like to discover how to do the same?
Lynn and Rebecca, among others, attended my live online workshop, which was their first transformative step toward feeling more rested and restored. And you can do the same! The restorative and transformative powers of better sleep are within your reach.
Allow me to introduce YOU to the Five Steps for Better Sleep so you can:
Fall asleep more easily
Wake less frequently during the night
Feel less tired and anxious
Foster a healthier relationship with sleep
I want you to learn HOW TO SLEEP BETTER so you can reawaken your happiness and enjoy life more. Find the relief and freedom you’re craving.
The Intro to the Restorative Powers of Better Sleep workshop is this Sunday, January 22.
Please don't take another minute to think about it.
I've made the workshop super-affordable, less than lunch for two out on the town. For only $37, you’ll learn about a few sleep saboteurs and explore some tips to sleep better. Together we’ll practice a straightforward, easy and adaptable SLEEP yoga sequence.
When: Sunday, January 22, 2023 (11 am Pacific/1 pm Central/2 pm Eastern)
Where: Live from the comfort of your surroundings via Zoom
You've just GOT to start sleeping better so you can be less tired, happier, more energized, focused, productive, caring, and calm.
Now is the time to prioritize better sleep and optimize your health, wellness and wellbeing for a happier, healthier and more energized YOU.
Enroll today!
With joy and gratitude,
P.S. If you know someone who would like to sleep better and feel better, please pass along this information.