Embracing Loving-Kindness: The Heart of Metta Bhavana
Hello, dear friends and fellow seekers of peace!
As a yoga teacher, I am constantly inspired by the many practices that guide us toward self-discovery, compassion, and connection. The Buddhist practice of Loving-Kindness, or metta bhavana, holds a special place in my heart. Today, I want to share the essence of this beautiful meditation practice and how it can transform our lives, both on and off the yoga mat.
What is Metta Bhavana?
Metta, a Pali term which means unconditional love and goodwill, and bhavana, which means cultivation, perfectly encapsulate this practice. Metta bhavana translates to “the cultivation of loving-kindness.” It invites us to open our hearts and nurture our innate capacity for kindness toward ourselves and others.
We’re often taught as children that we should be kind and love others. While many of us may have been raised to practice compassion—the wish that others not suffer—metta bhavana encourages us to go further. It teaches not just to feel compassion but to actively cultivate love intentionally. Through this practice, we can foster a mindset of kindness, which ultimately contributes to our emotional wellbeing and the happiness of those around us.
The Practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation
This practice is often divided into five steps. It can be helpful to begin gently, focusing on self-compassion for some time (Step 1), and then gradually moving on to the other steps.
To prepare, get comfortable, whether sitting cross-legged on the floor, in a chair, with your feet flat on the ground, or on a surface that supports the soles of your feet. Then, close your eyes, take a few full breaths, and let your body soften.
1. Connect with Yourself. Start your practice by directing kindness toward yourself, focusing on feelings of peace, calm, and tranquillity. Picture yourself and your heart centre. Now place yourself into your heart centre and silently repeat phrases that resonate with you, such as:
As you repeat these phrases, allow yourself to truly feel the warmth and kindness of these wishes. Imagine filling your heart with love and acceptance.
2. Extend to Someone You Love. Next, visualize someone you care deeply for—someone you love. This could be a friend, family member, or even a pet. Place them into your heart and repeat the following phrases for them:
3. Broaden Your Circle. As your loving-kindness grows, expand your focus. Shift your attention to someone you neither like nor dislike, someone neutral—an acquaintance, a stranger, or someone who works at your grocery store—then place them into your heart and silently repeat the phrases above.
4. Include People You Dislike. If it feels right, think of someone you dislike—someone you are struggling with. Avoid becoming consumed by feelings of hatred; instead, focus on positive thoughts and explore the possibility of sending them your metta. If this feels overwhelming, revisit the first step and offer yourself loving-kindness. But if it feels okay—even though you have negative feelings toward this person—consider how they have suffered in their own life. Imagine, just like you, they desire love and affection. Now, place this person you dislike into your heart and repeat the phrases above.
5. Embrace All Beings. Imagine embracing all beings with loving thoughts, connecting to the shared human experience. Place all sentient, all aware beings into your heart and repeat the phrases above.
Finally, return your awareness to yourself and recall how it felt to wish yourself loving-kindness. Take a moment to express gratitude for this practice and the love that connects us all.
The Life-Altering Benefits of Metta
Incorporating metta bhavana into our lives offers a myriad of benefits, both personal and global:
Enhanced Relationships. Cultivating kindness naturally strengthens our bonds with others. This practice allows us to respond to challenging situations with greater compassion and understanding.
Emotional Resilience. Metta helps us manage negative emotions and reduce stress. When we nurture our hearts with loving kindness, we create a buffer against life’s challenges.
Mindfulness. This practice encourages us to be present and compassionate, fostering a mind aware and appreciative of the simple joys of everyday life.
Global Impact. By sharing our loving-kindness with the world, we contribute to creating a collective atmosphere of compassion and understanding.
Bringing Loving-Kindness to Your Yoga Practice
Integrating metta bhavana into your yoga practice can enrich your time on the mat. Consider dedicating a few moments at the beginning or end of your class to focus on loving-kindness, setting intentions that align with metta, and fostering a sense of community and support.
Our spiritual journey is filled with opportunities for growth and connection. Practicing metta bhavana nurtures not just our hearts but the hearts of everyone we encounter. I invite you to embark on this journey of cultivating loving-kindness and witness the beauty it brings into your life.
Yours with gratitude, compassion, joy and equanimity,