Tired of Feeling Tired
Browsing in the “wellness” section of a local bookstore the other day I was amazed at the number of self-help books on the topic of sleep, or rather, lack thereof. Upon further reflection, I realized that I shouldn’t be surprised at the number of publications on this topic since sleep deprivation, insomnia, and sleep disturbances affect most, if not all of us, to various degrees throughout our lives. What has changed, however, is the realization that sleep matters much more than we once thought. We now know that sleep has important restorative, repair and regenerative functions that are necessary to keep the body and the brain healthy.
If you read articles and books, or listen to podcasts, on this topic you’ll find that one of the most important strategies for sleeping better is to become aware of and be in sync with our natural internal clock, the circadian rhythm. Sticking to a regular sleep-wake schedule seven days a week will help you feel more refreshed and energized. Is this easy to do? Not likely. However, once we understand how we can better adapt our lifestyle, and learn what to do when things are out of sync, then we can rest easy.
There are many pieces to the puzzle when it comes to getting better sleep. Reading articles and books can be very helpful but often it’s not enough. Just like learning to play a musical instrument; it’s a whole lot better when you work with a qualified and experienced teacher. If you’re tired of feeling tired, join me for an introduction to Sleep Recovery™, and find out how this holistic, practical, five-step program can equip you with knowledge, tools and resources for better sleep. The two-hour workshop (evidence-informed information, discussion and practice) will provide an overview of Sleep Recovery™: an integrated framework that addresses the connection between body, energy, mind, heart and soul which all affect our ability sleep well.
I believe that with practice this life-changing program will help repair your natural ability to rest more deeply, and reduce sleeplessness. You’ll awaken with an enhanced sense of happiness and wellbeing.
By the way… you don’t need any yoga experience, nor do you need to be fit or flexible, to fully participate in this program.
Two-for-one pricing is available until Oct 8 so act quickly and sign up with a friend!
When: Friday, Oct 15, 2021 @ 6:30-8:30 pm (Central Time)
Where: Live stream via Zoom
Cost: $40 CAD (2-for-1 pricing available until Oct 8)
Register: Email studio71yoga@gmail.com (by October 12, 2021)
Cancellation Policy: Full refunds up to 3 days prior to the event. No refunds will be given after that time.
You can also sign up for the 5-week Sleep Recovery program without attending the workshop. Click here for more information.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.