Welcome to Your Wellness Journey.
Gratitude. Compassion. Joy. Equanimity.
Connecting Body, mind and Spirit.
Explore new ways of moving and breathing.
Reduce stress and anxiety.
Take positive steps toward a healthier lifestyle.
Sleep better.
I’m Jeannine Roy.
Yoga wellness educator.
That’s me on the left in the image above and in the photos below.
My main focus is to provide personalized attention and care through human connection.
And at my boutique-style, home-based studio, I prioritize your yoga journey.
Studio 71 Yoga—where transformation begins.
“With deepest gratitude for all you do for all of us in your “mat-pac.””
“Merci beaucoup! We’re so thankful to be back in person with you and your incredible gifts of time & talent. We truly appreciate your flexibility & care, and the effort you put into each class and session.
I respectfully incorporate the teachings of yoga, an ancient South Asian practice that unites mind, body and spirit on and off the mat.
My teaching style is soulful and genuine, without unnecessary fluff. It’s evidence-informed but not clinical.
My approach is authentic, light-hearted, and transformational.
I thoroughly enjoy guiding midlife individuals who value commitment to their yoga exploration and like to have fun along the way.
I usually teach in English but add French to the mix as needed.
Personal attention is critical to ensuring you benefit fully from my classes. That’s why I maintain small group sizes (six to eight students for in-person classes and ten for live virtual courses) so I can focus on you individually and provide you with the support and guidance you need.
Live online group classes remain popular due to their interactive and portable formats. My interactive online class sizes are small, with a maximum capacity of 10 participants. Video cameras and microphones are turned on, so you receive individual attention and guidance and have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and interact with me and other participants. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of this class format, please click on the link below.
“Dear Jeannine,
Thank you for all the blessings received through your skills, knowledge, care and heart.
It means more than I can ever express.
Each Monday night is a treasure. ”
If you prefer a more personalized and intimate in-person experience, you might be interested in my ‘boutique-style’ classes and workshops. I offer these sessions in my cozy, home-based studio, which can accommodate up to 6-8 participants, depending on the type of class or workshop. You receive individual attention and guidance and have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and interact with other participants. Whether you’re new to the practice or an experienced practitioner, I can tailor my classes to meet your needs.
“Chère Jeannine,
Je profite de l’occasion pour te dire que je te suis très reconnaissante de m’avoir appris tellement de choses au fil des années.Tu as partagé non seulement les poses de yoga, mais aussi ta sagesse et la bienveillance. C’est vraiment très apprécié!”
With an array of high-quality props provided for you at no cost during in-person classes and events—yoga mats, blankets, bolsters, blocks, eye pillows, and more—you can fully immerse yourself in your practice without distractions or discomfort.
At Studio 71 Yoga, you’ll explore your unique yoga journey through classes designed to be welcoming and inclusive, catering to people of all backgrounds and levels of experience. Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, I’m here to support you in your practice and help you achieve your goals.
My teaching style is authentic, evidence-informed, and light-hearted, with a touch of French as needed. I blend different yoga traditions and practices to create a personalized experience, including poses, breathing exercises, meditation, and spiritual teachings. As you pay attention to and respect your body’s wisdom, I encourage you to practice yoga in a way that feels right and resonates with you.